How WP_Customize_Background_Image_Control is supposed to work?

There’s very little documentation on this class, but here below is the full example from WordPress core (here’s github). Note you’d be using the $wp_customize object you get as argument to your custom_register callback and not $this as does the core class. I’ve done a search and replace below and it works.

        /* CORE COPY PASTE */

        /* Custom Background */

        $wp_customize->add_section( 'background_image', array(
            'title'          => __( 'Background Image' ),
            'theme_supports' => 'custom-background',
            'priority'       => 80,
        ) );

        $wp_customize->add_setting( 'background_image', array(
            'default'        => get_theme_support( 'custom-background', 'default-image' ),
            'theme_supports' => 'custom-background',
        ) );

        $wp_customize->add_setting( new WP_Customize_Background_Image_Setting( $wp_customize, 'background_image_thumb', array(
            'theme_supports' => 'custom-background',
        ) ) );

        $wp_customize->add_control( new WP_Customize_Background_Image_Control( $wp_customize ) );

        $wp_customize->add_setting( 'background_repeat', array(
            'default'        => 'repeat',
            'theme_supports' => 'custom-background',
        ) );

        $wp_customize->add_control( 'background_repeat', array(
            'label'      => __( 'Background Repeat' ),
            'section'    => 'background_image',
            'type'       => 'radio',
            'choices'    => array(
                'no-repeat'  => __('No Repeat'),
                'repeat'     => __('Tile'),
                'repeat-x'   => __('Tile Horizontally'),
                'repeat-y'   => __('Tile Vertically'),
        ) );

        $wp_customize->add_setting( 'background_position_x', array(
            'default'        => 'left',
            'theme_supports' => 'custom-background',
        ) );

        $wp_customize->add_control( 'background_position_x', array(
            'label'      => __( 'Background Position' ),
            'section'    => 'background_image',
            'type'       => 'radio',
            'choices'    => array(
                'left'       => __('Left'),
                'center'     => __('Center'),
                'right'      => __('Right'),
        ) );

        $wp_customize->add_setting( 'background_attachment', array(
            'default'        => 'fixed',
            'theme_supports' => 'custom-background',
        ) );

        $wp_customize->add_control( 'background_attachment', array(
            'label'      => __( 'Background Attachment' ),
            'section'    => 'background_image',
            'type'       => 'radio',
            'choices'    => array(
                'fixed'      => __('Fixed'),
                'scroll'     => __('Scroll'),
        ) );

It appears you cannot customize the e.g. section, and for evidence look to this code for the third argument to WP_Customize_Image_Control

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