The comment from @czerspalace put me on the right track to doing what I needed. Since the first few terms start with numbers, this is how I implemented my solution:
// get results from $wpdb in object called $links
$glossary_ltr = "999";
foreach( $links as $link ) {
$kw_ltr = substr( $link->keyword, 0, 1 ); // get first letter
if( $glossary_ltr != $kw_ltr ) {
if( $kw_ltr > $glossary_ltr ) {
// code to transition to new letter
$glossary_ltr = $kw_ltr;
} // if letters are different
// print out term
echo "<a onclick='openTerm(/* term data */)'>". $link->keyword . "</a><br>";
} // foreach
Hope this helps someone else!
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