Is there a JavaScript equivalent of get_post_field?

The @wordpress/hooks package only gives you a JS-like equivalent to the PHP-based hook system in WordPress – they are entirely separate, and don’t bring any native WP PHP functions to the table.

What you need (most likely) is an AJAX request to the WordPress REST API.

Specifically, the GET posts endpoint, which by default is:<post_id>

That will retrieve a JSON object representation of the post. An example JS function using fetch might look like:

async function get_post_field( post_id, field ) {
    const restUrl = document.querySelector( 'link[rel=""]' ).getAttribute( 'href' );

    const response = await fetch( `${restUrl}wp/v2/posts/${post_id}` );

    const post = await response.json();

    let value = await post[ field ];

    if ( value.rendered !== undefined ) {
        value = value.rendered;

    return value;

const title = await get_post_field( post_id, 'title' );

This code assumes you’re running it in the context of a default WordPress page (since it grabs the base REST API URL from the <link rel="" /> tag added in the <head />.