Is there a replacement for unistd.h for Windows (Visual C)?

Since we can’t find a version on the Internet, let’s start one here.
Most ports to Windows probably only need a subset of the complete Unix file.
Here’s a starting point. Please add definitions as needed.

#ifndef _UNISTD_H
#define _UNISTD_H    1

/* This is intended as a drop-in replacement for unistd.h on Windows.
 * Please add functionality as neeeded.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <getopt.h> /* getopt at: */
#include <process.h> /* for getpid() and the exec..() family */
#include <direct.h> /* for _getcwd() and _chdir() */

#define srandom srand
#define random rand

/* Values for the second argument to access.
   These may be OR'd together.  */
#define R_OK    4       /* Test for read permission.  */
#define W_OK    2       /* Test for write permission.  */
//#define   X_OK    1       /* execute permission - unsupported in windows*/
#define F_OK    0       /* Test for existence.  */

#define access _access
#define dup2 _dup2
#define execve _execve
#define ftruncate _chsize
#define unlink _unlink
#define fileno _fileno
#define getcwd _getcwd
#define chdir _chdir
#define isatty _isatty
#define lseek _lseek

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