I found a solution based on the code of this page:
All attachment files have a post status of ‘inherit’. So first you need to add “inherit” as one of the possible post status to search for. You can use the wp_link_query_args filter to do that.
function my_wp_link_query_args( $query ) {
if (is_admin()){
$query['post_status'] = array('publish','inherit');
return $query;
add_filter('wp_link_query_args', 'my_wp_link_query_args');
By default the url you would get would be the attachment url, and not the file url. So if you need the file url you can use the filter wp_link_query to filter the results.
function my_modify_link_query_results( $results, $query ) {
foreach ($results as &$result ) {
if ('Media' === $result['info']) {
$result['permalink'] = wp_get_attachment_url($result['ID']);
return $results;
add_filter('wp_link_query', 'my_modify_link_query_results', 10, 2);
The foreach loops through all results, find the ones that have a type of Media, and replaces the attachment URL with the file url.