Is there an easy way to create a links index page?

I think the WordPress bookmarks feature would work grand here. Here’s how I got this to work (generically).

  1. Go to Links->Link Categories and add all the letters of the alphabet as categories
  2. Create a new link, add a description and notes, and assign it to a specific alphabetical category.
  3. Create a page template (as shown below) and place it in your theme folder
  4. Create a new page under Pages->Add New and assign it your page template from step 3.

Here’s what a very elementary, basic, generic template would look like. Save this as tpl-links.php in your theme folder.

Template Name: Awesome Link Template

$category = $_GET['link_category'];

    $args = array(
        'category_name' => esc_sql($category)
    $bookmarks = get_bookmarks($args);

    foreach($bookmarks as $bookmark):
        echo "link_name - $bookmark->link_name<br>";
        echo "link_url - $bookmark->link_url<br>";
        echo "link_description - $bookmark->link_description<br>";
        echo "link_notes - $bookmark->link_notes<br><br>";
    //Do Something Here

You can display certain categories like this: This will display all the links in that alphabetical category. It’s pretty simple.

The cool think about bookmarks is you can really add a lot of information about a link. I added a few of the object elements that you have access to which would be relevant to your application in the page template code. Hope this helps!

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