You can accomplish this with the good ol’ wp_localize_script.
Step 1: When you register your blocks script, you already will do something like this:
plugins_url('/blocks/dist/', __FILE__),
array('wp-blocks', 'wp-element','wp-editor','wp-components','lodash'),
After this (within the same function) insert:
//Do whatever to parse the json-file or get the categories, get them into a nice array like $my_awesome_json_kats. I would recommend to build an array like this for use with the select control:
// array(
// 'label' => 'My First Option',
// 'value' => 'my_first_option'
// ),
// array(
// 'label' => 'My Second Option',
// 'value' => 'my_second_option'
// ),
wp_localize_script('my-awesome-block','blockcats',array('jsoncats' => $my_awesome_json_kats);
Step 2:
In your Block script, you can now access a global variable named blockcats, which is an object of all the stuff you localized
var my_kats = blockcats.jsoncats;
//now you can build your Select Control
const MySelectControl = withState( {
size: '50%',
} )( ( { size, setState } ) => (
label="My Awesome JSON Cats"
value={ size }
onChange={ ( size ) => { setState( { size } ) } }
) );
//Took this code from the Docs for SelectControl, maybe you have to use it somehow else, but the options should be set to my_kats
Step 3:???
Step 4: Profit! 😉
Happy Coding!