List all-childpages on parent-page AND list child-pages on childpage itself but not the current one?

function show_subpages() {

    global $post;
    $subpages = wp_list_pages( array(
        'echo'          =>0,
        'title_li'      =>'',
        'depth'         =>2,
        'link_before'   => '— ',
        'child_of'      => ( $post->post_parent == 0 ? $post->ID : $post->post_parent),
        'exclude'       => ( $post->post_parent == 0 ? '' : $post->ID)
    if ( !empty($subpages) ) {
        echo '<ul id="subpages" class="wrapper">';
        echo $subpages;
        echo '</ul>';

wp_list_pages supports an exclude parameter. In the above, I’ve simply added 'exclude' => ( $post->post_parent == 0 ? '' : $post->ID) to the parameter array.
It works analogous to the way you are already feeding values to child_of:
If the post does not have a parent, we feed exclude an empty string. If it has one, we feed it the current post ID.

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