Changing parent element’s class or style

So, the elements should be changed into <div class="icheckbox disabled hide_empty" style="">

that’s different from the goal stated in the question where you say you want to add class “hide_empty” to the parent <li> of the <div class="icheckbox">. The code posted by @dhirenpatel22 should work to add class hide_empty to the li element, of course if the element you want to add class to is the same div it should be

Also note that hasClass() will return true even if the element has more classes.
To find only the divs with both and exclusively icheckbox + disabled I guess the best way is:

$(".icheckbox, .disabled").each(function(){
  // or $(this).addClass('hide_empty') 
  //if it's the <div> instead of <li> you want to apply the rule