mamp localhost not picking up wp-login

If you want to access your WordPress site on the new device with a domain, such as wordpress.local instead of localhost:8888/wordpress, you may want to define a vhost configuration for MAMP first and add a local DNS record in your /etc/hosts file.

Once you’ve established the domain you want to use to access the site, you’ll need to update it in the WordPress database.

You can use one of these common methods to perform the update:

  1. Manually perform a sql find & replace.
  2. Use a tool like WP Migrate to export the database from legacy site to new site.
  3. Use WP-CLI’s search-replace command.

Finally, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve copied the .htaccess file into the root of your WordPress directory on the new instance (since it’s a hidden file, it may have been overlooked). Should you find after these steps your WordPress site still doesn’t load, it’s worth checking to make sure your apache configuration allows for .htaccess overrides.