MIPS – Fetch address not aligned on word boundary

I’m pretty new to assembly programming and programming in general and I’m doing my best to learn. I’ve been having trouble storing inputs to variables, can you help me please?

The problem seems to occur when I load the addresses of n1 and n2, or something like that. I have tried looking at similar problems and cannot translate them well. If anyone has any online references for learning, as well, that would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my code:

prompt_n1: .asciiz "Enter first integer n1: "
prompt_n2: .asciiz "Enter second integer n2: "

debug_print: .asciiz "Your numbers are: "

n1: .word 0
n2: .word 0


#Prompt the user for n1.
li $v0, 4
la $a0, prompt_n1

#Store console: n1
li $v0, 5

#Attempts to load value of v0 into n1 - Problem Here
la $t0, n1
lw $t1, 0($v0)
sw $t0, 0($t1)

#Prompt the user for n2.
li $v0, 4
la $a0, prompt_n2

#Store console: n2
li $v0, 5

#Attempts to load value of v0 into n1 - Problem Here
la $t0, n2
lw $t4, 0($v0)
sw $t0, 0($t4)

j print_statement

li $v0, 4
la $a0, debug_print

li $v0, 1
lw $a0, n1

li $v0, 1
lw $a0, n2

Thank you for your time and help.

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