Dynamic vs Static instruction count

The dynamic instruction count is the actual number of instructions executed by the CPU for a specific program execution, whereas the static instruction count is the number of instruction the program has. We usually use dynamic instruction count as if for example you have a loop in your program then some instructions get executed more … Read more

What is the use of a $zero register in MIPS?

The zero register always holds the constant 0. There’s not really anything special about it except for the fact that 0 happens to be a very useful constant. So useful that the MIPS designers dedicated a register to holding its value. (This way you don’t have to waste another register, or any memory, holding the … Read more

MIPS Recursive Fibonacci Sequence

I’m having trouble dealing with stacks recursively in MIPS. I get the concept, but my program isn’t reacting as I mean it to. My goal is to take user input as n and print the Fibonacci number at n. What I have so far is below. (I’m fairly certain the problem is in the actual … Read more

MIPS instruction and machine code

Actually you have only found the instruction, so it’s not ending there from your spec. Write out the machine code for the MIPS instruction. In order to write the machine code for this instruction you need to look at MIPS reference sheet MIPS Reference sheet If you look at the sheet the lw has opcode 35 and for $1 is 17 , … Read more