I think ajax request should point to the actual WordPress ajax handler.
You can pass the variable by localising the script:
$js_object = [
'ajaxUrl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php')
wp_register_script('my-script', 'http://url');
wp_localize_script('my-script', 'pluginObject', $js_object);
Register the ajax request into ajax hook:
function widget_ajax_request()
// your stuff
add_action('wp_ajax_my_action', 'widget_ajax_request');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_my_action', 'widget_ajax_request');
And your JS should be:
url: pluginObject.ajaxUrl, //from the localized object
data: {
action: 'my_action' //from the hook
success: function() {
// your stuff
Here is a tutorial: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/10/how-to-use-ajax-in-wordpress/