How to display first post thumbnail as a background image of a widget?

Few notes:

  • Just use the_title(); instead of echo get_the_title();
  • Use the_title_attribute() for title attributes.
  • No need to override the global $wp_query when you use a secondary query.
  • Then use wp_reset_postdata() after your secondary query loop.
  • Use the_permalink() that escapes the permalink, instead of the unescaped echo get_permalink();
  • There’s the has_post_thumbnail() to check if the post thumbnail is set.
  • Note that get_the_post_thumbnail() returns the post thumbnail image tag, not the url.
  • Check out the_post_thumbnail_url() to get the thumbnail url.
  • To check for the first item in your secondary recent posts loop, you can use if( 0 === $recent_posts->current_post ){ within that loop.


Here’s an example (PHP 5.4+):

$recent_posts = new WP_Query( $args );
if( $recent_posts )
    $thumbnail_url="https://example.tld/default.png"; // fallback post thumbnail url
    $data          = [];

    // Loop    
    while( $recent_posts->have_posts() )

        // Post thumbnail from the first post
        if( 0 === $recent_posts->current_post )
            $thumbnail_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url( get_the_ID(), 'medium' );

        // Collect post titles
        $data[] = the_title(
                '<div class="title"><h3><a href="">',
                esc_url( get_permalink() )
            ),                 // before
            '</a></h2></div>', // after
            false              // echo

    // Output
    if( $data )
            '<div class="widget-wrap-sidebar" style="background-image: url(%s)">
                 <div class="my-widget">%s</div>
            esc_url( $thumbnail_url ),
            join( '', $data )

Hope it helps.