My widget won’t update its values when save is clicked

In $control_ops = array( 'width' => 300, 'height' => 350, 'id_base' => 'example-widget' ); id_base should be without space and in your rollover image, your name is wrong, you have the name set to echo $this->get_field_name( 'image' ); when it should be echo $this->get_field_name( 'rollover_image' );

add_action ( 'widgets_init' , 'my_widget' ) ;

function my_widget () {
    register_widget ( 'MY_Widget' ) ;

class MY_Widget extends WP_Widget {

    function MY_Widget () {
        $widget_ops = array ( 'classname'   => 'example' , 'description' => __ ( 'A widget that creates a rollover image effect with a hyperlink. ' , 'example' ) ) ;

        $control_ops = array ( 'width'  => 300 , 'height' => 350 ) ;

        $this -> WP_Widget ( 'example-widget' , __ ( 'Example Widget' , 'example' ) , $widget_ops , $control_ops ) ;

    function widget ( $args , $instance ) {
        extract ( $args ) ;

        //Our variables from the widget settings.
        $link           = apply_filters ( 'widget_link' , $instance[ 'link' ] ) ;
        $image          = $instance[ 'image' ] ;
        $rollover_image = $instance[ 'rollover_image' ] ;

        echo $before_widget ;

        // Display the widget link
        if ( $link )
            echo $before_link . $link . $after_link ;

        //Display the name

        printf ( '<p>' . __ ( 'Hey their Sailor! My name is %1$s.' , 'example' ) . '</p>' , $image ) ;

        printf ( '<p>' . __ ( 'Hey their Sailor! My name is %1$s.' , 'example' ) . '</p>' , $rollover_image ) ;

        echo $after_widget ;

    //Update the widget

    function update ( $new_instance , $old_instance ) {

        $instance = $old_instance ;

        //Strip tags from link and name to remove HTML
        $instance[ 'link' ]           = strip_tags ( $new_instance[ 'link' ] ) ;
        $instance[ 'image' ]          = strip_tags ( $new_instance[ 'image' ] ) ;
        $instance[ 'rollover_image' ] = strip_tags ( $new_instance[ 'rollover_image' ] ) ;

        return $instance ;

    function form ( $instance ) {

        //Set up some default widget settings.
        $defaults = array ( 'link'           => 'Example' , 'image'          => '/images/editorial.png' , 'rollover_image' => '/images/editorial.png' ) ;
        $instance = wp_parse_args ( ( array ) $instance , $defaults ) ;

            <label for="<?php echo $this -> get_field_id ( 'link' ) ; ?>"><?php _e ( 'link' , 'example' ) ; ?></label>
            <input id="<?php echo $this -> get_field_id ( 'link' ) ; ?>" name="<?php echo $this -> get_field_name ( 'link' ) ; ?>" value="<?php echo $instance[ 'link' ] ; ?>" style="width:100%;" />

            <label for="<?php echo $this -> get_field_id ( 'image' ) ; ?>"><?php _e ( 'image' , 'example' ) ; ?></label>
            <input id="<?php echo $this -> get_field_id ( 'image' ) ; ?>" name="<?php echo $this -> get_field_name ( 'image' ) ; ?>" value="<?php echo $instance[ 'image' ] ; ?>" style="width:100%;" />

            <label for="<?php echo $this -> get_field_id ( 'rollover_image' ) ; ?>"><?php _e ( 'rollover_image:' , 'example' ) ; ?></label>
            <input id="<?php echo $this -> get_field_id ( 'rollover_image' ) ; ?>" name="<?php echo $this -> get_field_name ( 'rollover_image' ) ; ?>" value="<?php echo $instance[ 'rollover_image' ] ; ?>" style="width:100%;" />

