On the .org repo, can your plugin name/slug contain “WooCommerce” [closed]

I’m posting this answer because the accepted answer is slightly misleading, as it implies that you cannot use the trademarked name at all. While not 100% wrong, it’s also not 100% right.

It is correct that unless you are WooCommerce, you can’t call your plugin “WooCommerce Cool Add-on”. But you can call it “Cool Add-on for WooCommerce.” See “Why can’t I use someone’s trademark/brand as my plugin name?

Also, if you’re submitting to the .org repo and you are concerned about making sure your naming convention is correct/acceptable/valid, just submit it the way you interpret the rules. If it’s unacceptable, they will tell you and then you adjust it to be approved. OR, just get on the #PluginReview Slack channel and ask up front. @Ipstenu and @otto42 can give you a solid thumbs up/down on whether your name will pass muster.