Pagination Comments Doesn’t Show

I don’t think you’re passing arguments correctly to paginate_comments_links(). The function is basically a wrapper for paginate_links(), and accepts the same array of arguments.

Here are the defaults:

    $args = array(
        'base'         => '%_%',
        'format'       => '?page=%#%',
        'total'        => 1,
        'current'      => 0,
        'show_all'     => False,
        'end_size'     => 1,
        'mid_size'     => 2,
        'prev_next'    => True,
        'prev_text'    => __('&laquo; Previous'),
        'next_text'    => __('Next &raquo;'),
        'type'         => 'plain',
        'add_args'     => False,
        'add_fragment' =>  ''

Here’s how I use it:

<?php paginate_comments_links( array( 'prev_text' => '&lt;&lt;', 'next_text' => '&gt;&gt;' ) ); ?>

So, what arguments are you trying to pass to the function?