Where are comment ratings stored?

As stated in the comments below the question,

Comments don’t have ratings in WordPress

I went on and inspected the HTML source for one of my posts and figured out which plugin generated the rating based on the CSS class name. I should have known better. The plugin is Tasty Recipes by WP Tasty.

I then looked at my SQL DB and figured out that comment ratings are stored in wp_commentmeta with a key of ERRating:

    SELECT * FROM `wp_commentmeta` WHERE meta_key='ERRating'

Here’s a more complete SQL statement that shows how to retrieve the rating:

SELECT c.comment_id, 
FROM   `wp_del201712_comments` AS c 
       LEFT JOIN wp_del201712_commentmeta m 
              ON m.comment_id = c.comment_id 
WHERE  c.comment_post_id = 12066 
       AND c.comment_approved = '1' 
       AND m.meta_key = 'ERRating' 

Just replace the post ID with yours to see the results.