Pagination gives 404 in template

I did what Rarst told me to do. First I searched around in the Pods Framework documentation. This solved my problem.

Here’s what the code looks like right now.


  $params = array(
    'orderby' => 'publish_date.meta_value DESC',
    'limit' => 10

  $fltNewsPods = pods( 'fltnews', $params );
  while ($fltNewsPods->fetch()) {
    echo "<li class="content-list-item">";
    $podsForNewsItem = pods('fltnews', $fltNewsPods->display( 'id' ));
    $podsImage = pods_image ( $podsForNewsItem->display( 'thumbnail_picture'), 'full');
    if ($podsImage != ""){
        $podsImage = "<div class="content-list-thumbnail-picture">" . $podsImage . "</div>";

    printf("<a href="" class="item-container">%s
                          <div class="content-list-body">
                              <div class="content-list-publisher">
                                  <div class="date-block"><span class="date">%s</span></div>
                              <div class="content-list-title">%s</div>
                              <div class="content-list-text">%s</div>
                              <div class="content-list-link">Les mer</div>
                  esc_url(get_permalink($podsForNewsItem->display( 'id' ))),
                  $podsForNewsItem->display( 'title' ),
                  $podsForNewsItem->display( 'excerpt' ));
      echo "</li>";

  echo $fltNewsPods->pagination( array(
    'type' => 'paginate',
    'prev_next' => false,
    'first_last' => false
    ) );

  echo "</ul>";

It’s basically the same, although high use of the pods framework.

I guess this didn’t work with the WP_Query version because this wasn’t a custom post type, so it wasn’t using the WordPress Framework. WordPress wouldn’t know how these should be paginated.