Perform multiple actions after wp_insert_user()

Note that wp_set_auth_cookie() will set cookies (using setcookie()) which means there must be no output (HTML, spaces, empty lines, etc.) sent to the browser yet, or otherwise, the cookies will not be set or updated.

And I said that because by the time you call wp_insert_user(), there has actually been an output sent to the browser, and the output is the whitespaces after the ?> (PHP closing tag) in your code. For example, this part:

<?php if(isset($signUpError)){echo '<div>'.$signUpError.'</div>';}?>


So the whitespaces after the ?> are actually sent to the browser, hence that causes setcookie() to fail. Moreover, you’ve got an echo above which indicates you’re not using the proper hook to auto-login (and redirect) the created user.

Therefore you should use an early hook such as template_redirect to create the user and then logs the user in, and finally do the redirect. Here’s an example, just a basic one which hopefully would help you write your own or make your existing code works properly:

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wpse_387961' );
function wpse_387961() {
    // check if the form is submitted,
    // clean and validate user input,
    // define variables, etc etc.

    // ... your code.

    // create the user:
    $user = wp_insert_user( $userdata );
    if ( ! $user || is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
        echo 'try again later..';

    // auto-login the user:
    wp_set_current_user( $user );
    wp_set_auth_cookie( $user );

    // then ensure the user is successfully logged-in
    if ( (int) $user === get_current_user_id() ) {
        // add item to the cart
        // ... your code.

        // then do the redirect:
        wp_redirect( wc_get_checkout_url() );
    } else { // this 'else' part is just for testing
        echo 'auto-login failed?';

And actually, in your auto_login_new_user() function, the $userid is undefined (a typo, I guess?).. but anyway, you don’t need to use the user_register hook. Just ensure and remember that when setting cookies via PHP and doing a redirect (using the PHP’s native header() function which is used by wp_redirect()), do not output anything to the browser!

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