Popover in a LinkControl style

It seems I’ll have to answer my question myself 🙂
The solution that I found is using uncontrolled form input component (substituting <TextControl>, or more precisely, I opted to use __experimentalInputControl, with prop isPressEnterToChange={ true }, which only updates control on pressing Enter. I did not inspect the code, but I believe firmly that it is uncontrolled and that uncontrolled <input /> would work as well. This is because uncontrolled component does not trigger react re-render and controlling of the component is given to the browser.

            // use this in order to have uncontrolled control - otherwise updates trigger popover refresh
            isPressEnterToChange={ true }
            label={ _x('Control name', 'Popup control name', 'block-form') }
            value={ nameAutoSet ? '' : name }
            onChange={ (name) => { setName( name ); closePopover() } }