I assume you are using the text editor…
The example with the blank line in your question would normally be converted by WP to this:
<li>Paragraph 1 : text
<p> Some more text</p></li>
Wpautop wraps the 2nd line with the p element because of the blank line you created. Your example of WP’s output would indicate wpautop has been disabled (by you or by a plugin).
With wpautop enabled it is pretty easy to add some CSS to create the space you want:
ol li p {
margin: 1em 0;
It might be better to add a class to your ol so the CSS rule only applies where you explicitly name it:
<ol class="my-ol-par">
<li>Paragraph 1 : text
<p> Some more text</p></li>
With the CSS:
ol.my-ol-par li p {
margin: 1em 0;
If wpautop is disabled, and you don’t want to enable it, you could always hard code your additional lines within the p element and use the same CSS solution.
<li>Paragraph 1 : text
Paragraph 2 : text
Paragraph 3 : text</li>