Here’s a slightly modified version of your code snippet:
add_action( 'login_head', [ 'WPSE_Admin', 'plugin_setup' ] );
class WPSE_Admin
public static function plugin_setup()
add_filter( 'login_headerurl', [ 'WPSE_Admin', 'the_logo_url' ] );
public function the_logo_url()
return get_bloginfo('url');
The filter callbacks must be public, not private. The reason for this is that apply_filters()/apply_filters_ref_array()
are running call_user_func_array()
on the stored filter callbacks, in the global $wp_filter
Also notice that you’re not instantiating your WPSE_Admin
class, so you can’t use $this
. You might want to use namespace but I just prefix the class here.
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