Using Javascript Callback from plugin in a theme

Ok, I found out here how to procede. It was so simple I could not believe: 1) include in theme a custom script with a dependency on the favorite plugin. example: wp_enqueue_script(‘script’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/js/myscript.js’, ‘simple-favorite’, ‘1.0.0’, true); 2) in myscript.js just define again the function, and make it do something: function favorites_after_button_submit(favorites, post_id, site_id, … Read more

Reference external file as a function

You can’t. Create a function that loads that file: function load_admin_page_file() { require ‘admin-members.php’; } Then use that function name as callback argument. In PHP 5.3 you can use a lambda: add_menu_page( ‘Members’, ‘Members’, ‘manage_options’, ‘members’, function() { require ‘admin-members.php’; } );

Category callback box problem

Yes there is such possibility. Just change your code to this: $main_category_name = YOUR MAIN CATEGORY NAME; // get the main category of this section (i.e nadchodzące) foreach( ( get_the_category() ) as $category ) { if ( $category->cat_name != $main_category_name ) { $category_name = $category->cat_name; $category_url = get_category_link($category); $cat_com_url = get_comments_link(); } <span class=”cb-category”><a href=”<?php … Read more