Python TypeError: ‘type’ object is not iterable

If you query type(a), you get list. You probably want to do a mapping of the elements to the corresponding types, so use map:

def listType(a):
    new_string = ""
    numSum = 0
    for value in map(type,a):
        if isinstance(value,int) or isinstance(value,float):
            numSum += value
        elif isinstance(value,str):
            new_string += value  

    if new_string and numSum:
        print "String:", new_string
        print "Sum:", numSum
        print "This list is of mixed type"
    elif new_string:
        print "String:", new_string
        print "This list is of string type"
        print "Sum:", numSum
        print "This list is of integer type"


Furthermore you should not print the result of listType, since it does not return anything, and fix the indentation of the program. I hope it is correct now.

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