Query order by meta value force specific tag first

This can be achievable by writing your own custom function. What you need to do is use the get_terms() object to do your query order by terms. When making a custom function, check your specific term id set as a parameter and then according to that remove that term id and add it back.

I have written an example code for you to understand more clearly how can you achieve that. I commented on the code so that you can understand the steps.

function get_term_to_start( $taxonomy = '', $args = [] ) {
    $terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, $args );
     * Return $terms to as it is if the argument is not set or empty
    if ( !isset( $args['term_to_start'] ) || empty( $args['term_to_start'] ) )
        return $terms;

     * If you have set term_to_start, then continue
     * Return $terms as it is if there is a wp error returned or if $terms is empty
    if ( is_wp_error( $terms ) || empty( $terms ) )
        return $terms;

     * At this stage you need to convert the multidimensional objects to a multidimensional array.
     * I used json_encode and json_decode.  Now you can determine the potion of term_to_start
    $terms_array = json_decode( json_encode( $terms ), true );
    $start_term_position = array_search( $args['term_to_start'], array_column( $terms_array, 'term_id'));

     * Check is $start_term_position if false, in case of failure to find the position of term_to_start
     * if false, return $terms as it is
    if ( !$start_term_position )
        return $terms;

     * Get the key value pair for term_to_start, unset it from $terms and reset term_to_start pair at the 
    $start_term_pair[] = $terms[$start_term_position];
    unset( $terms[$start_term_position] );
    $new_terms_array = array_merge( (array) $start_term_pair, $terms);

     * Finally you can return $new_terms_array as an object
    return (object) $new_terms_array;

// Use above function to get list of your terms starting by your specific term id
$terms = get_term_to_start('your-taxonomy-name', array(
    'term_to_start' => 5,//YOUR SPECIFIC TERM ID. ex: id for prio is 5
// Now use the nested foreach loop along with get_posts to return your post list starting by specific term 
foreach($terms as $term){
    $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'partner', // Your Post Type
        'tax_query' => array(
                'taxonomy' => 'your-taxonomy-name', // Your taxonomy Name. ex: tags
                'field' => 'slug',
                'terms' => $term->slug
        'numberposts' => -1
    $posts = get_posts($args);
    foreach ($posts as $post){
        // do your stuff, posts along with your specific term will print first