Remove/Unregister or hide a widget added by a plugin

Thanks Stephen for helping me wrap my head around this today. Even though it’s something so small, I absolutely hate when develpers bloat plugins with crap you don’t want. I was very frustrated after WPengine, telling me it can’t be removed and that if I really want to remove it than I need to find the function in the MU-Plugins folder and delete it. Kind of sad hearing from a “WordPress” hosting company that their solution is to delete the code, when that is the opposite of how WordPress has been built to operate.

Anyway, I managed to make a debugging function that prints the registered widgets. Here it is:

function show_widget_classes() {
    global $wp_registered_widgets; 
    $widgets = array(); 
        foreach($wp_registered_widgets as $widg){ 
                    $class = get_class($widg['callback'][0]);
                    if(!array_key_exists($class, $widgets)){
                        $widgets[$class] = $widg['callback'][0]->name;
foreach($widgets as $widget_class  => $widget_title ){
        echo '<pre>'; print_r( $widget_class ); echo '</pre>';
add_action( 'admin_notices', 'show_widget_classes' ); 

Ironically wpengine_powered_by managed to be the only one that didn’t show up. At first I thought it was a conflict with the wpengine-widget loading too early in the mu-plugins folder. However, after re-reading your response about the class:

class [Widget Class] extends WP_Widget{

I did a quick grep search through the wpengine-common plugins folder for extends WP_Widget:

grep -nr 'extends WP_Widget' /wpengine-common  

And Nothing! So to get the the point I eventually just searched the plugin and realized they were using an older function that registers a widget that only words in one instance. Using this method, a class is not used.

So instead of this:


You would use this:


You can also use:

wp_unregister_widget_control for functions that add controls with the wp_register_widget_control

Here is the final function removing the widget for anyone else annoyed with wpengines “affiliate” widget.

* Plugin Name: Remove WpEngine Bloat
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Remove the affiliate links widget from the Admin Widgets Page.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Bryan WIllis
* Author URI: 
* License:

function remove_unwanted_wpe_bloat_affiliate_widget_wpse_147602() {
// unregister the widget and its control
add_action('widgets_init', 'remove_unwanted_wpe_bloat_affiliate_widget_wpse_147602', 1);

I will also update the debugging function when I get a chance and make sure ALL the widgets are outputted, not just the ones that use class.

Alternatively, download which lets you remove widgets, however it had some flaws and also adds a whole lot of other stuff if you’re just trying to remove widgets.