The thing with class methods is that unless they’re static, they belong to an object. And in your case your object is:
new WC_Admin_Taxonomies_new();
Which means PHP will create the object and keep it in memory. But unfortunately, since you’re not assigning this object to a variable, you have no way of referencing it later in your code.
Off the top of my head I can think of two ways to solve this:
First: globals, singletons, something you can use to keep a reference to your object for later use:
$GLOBALS['foo'] = new My_Class();
// ...
remove_action( 'action', array( $GLOBALS['foo'], 'method' ) );
Second: static methods.
class My_Class() {
public static function init() {
add_action( 'action', array( __CLASS__, 'method' ) );
public static function method() {
// ...
// ...
remove_action( 'action', array( 'My_Class', 'method' ) );
Hope this helps!