Your should add rewrite endpoint template
on theme activation hook and init
hook. Also there is some little checks to perform to prevent errors.
function sjc_theme_activate(){ sjc_theme_add_rewrite_endpoint(); flush_rewrite_rules(); } //for more info add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'sjc_theme_activate' ); function sjc_theme_deactivate(){ flush_rewrite_rules(); } //for more info add_action( 'switch_theme', 'sjc_theme_deactivate' ); function sjc_add_query_vars($vars) { $vars[] = 'template'; return $vars; } add_filter('query_vars', 'sjc_add_query_vars'); function sjc_template($template) { global $wp_query; //you should check if file exists first if ( (isset($wp_query->query_vars['template'])) && ($wp_query->query_vars['template'] == 'basic') && (file_exists(dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/single-basic.php')) ) { return dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/single-basic.php'; }else { return $template; } } add_filter('single_template', 'sjc_template'); //add rewrite endpoint function sjc_theme_add_rewrite_endpoint(){ add_rewrite_endpoint( 'template', EP_PERMALINK | EP_PAGES ); } //for more info add_action('init', 'sjc_theme_add_rewrite_endpoint');
then Activate pretty links for wordpress. You can visit any post with
And get the same result (don’t forget to add single-basic.php
file in theme base dir). I hope this will help you.