You can include the PHP file and do the tasks, if WP-cron is your only option.
// Scheduled Action Hook
function run_my_script( ) {
// Schedule Cron Job Event
if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'USERS_MONITORING' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event( strtotime('07:00:00'), 'daily', 'USERS_MONITORING' );
add_action( 'USERS_MONITORING', 'run_my_script' );
Note that you need to include the related path. If you want to access the PHP file by its URL, you need to use cURL instead.
Also, as @rarst mentioned in one of his posts:
Note : WP Cron isn’t guaranteed to run at precise time since it is
trigerred by visits to the site. I am not confident if recurrent runs
will “stick” at midnight or will slowly slip from there, you might
need to readjust periodically.