I’m new to Python and this is my first ever thing I’ve scripted and I’m just wondering what I can do to remove this warning:
Warning (from warnings module): File "C:\Users\Luri\Desktop\Bot Stuff\ImageSaver.py", line 76 currentdiff=abs(anread[w,h])-abs(bnread[w,h]) RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in ubyte_scalars
I’ve tried Googling the answer and nothing that was clear to me came up as far as fixing this.
I’m trying to write a program that will compare a continuously updating image that is taken from a rectangle around my cursor with a reference image that I’m searching for.
Then depending on what region the cursor is in relative to the target image, it will adjust accordingly.
Thank you for any help you can give!
Code is below:
import os import sys import time import Image import ImageGrab import win32api import numpy, scipy def mousePos(): #--------------------------------------------------------- #User Settings: SaveDirectory=r'C:\Users\Luri\Desktop\Bot Stuff' ImageEditorPath=r'C:\WINDOWS\system32\mspaint.exe' #Here is another example: #ImageEditorPath=r'C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe' #--------------------------------------------------------- i,j = win32api.GetCursorPos() print 'Your Cusor Position is:', i,j time.sleep(1) size = 112, 58 #------------------- #data is defined as | x0y0 = [0,0] = (xpos-56,ypos-29) | x0y1 = [0,1] = (xpos-56,ypos+29) | x1y1 = [1,1] = (xpos+56,ypos+29) | x1y0 = [1,0] = (xpos+56,ypos-29) #Take In Image In Rectangle around cursor position to locate text of name pixeldiff=0 currentdiff=0 NQ1=193395 NQ2=166330 NQ3=171697 NQ4=168734 NAC=190253 NBC=205430 x0=i-56 y0=j-29 x1=i+56 y1=j+29 box=[x0, y0, x1, y1] img=ImageGrab.grab() saveas=os.path.join(SaveDirectory,'fullscreen.jpg') img.save(saveas) editorstring='""%s" "%s"'% (ImageEditorPath,saveas) #Crop box around cursor cursorbox=img.crop(box) saveas=os.path.join(SaveDirectory,'cursorbox.jpg') cursorbox.save(saveas) #Converts the given cursor rectangle to 8bit grayscale from RGB out = cursorbox.convert("L") saveas=os.path.join(SaveDirectory,'lmodecurbox.jpg') out.save(saveas) #Takes the converted grayscale picture and converts it to an array a=numpy.asarray(out) aarray=Image.fromarray(a) sizea = a.shape # print sizea # print a anread=a[:] #Loads the reference image reference=Image.open("referencecold.png") #Converts the given cursor rectangle to 8bit grayscale from RGB refout = reference.convert("L") saveas=os.path.join(SaveDirectory,'lmoderefbox.jpg') refout.save(saveas) #Takes the converted grayscale picture and converts it to an array b=numpy.asarray(refout) barray=Image.fromarray(b) sizeb = b.shape