LinAlgError: Last 2 dimensions of the array must be square

I need to solve a set of simultaneous equations of the form Ax = B for x. I’ve used the numpy.linalg.solve function, inputting A and B, but I get the error ‘LinAlgError: Last 2 dimensions of the array must be square’. How do I fix this?

Here’s my code:

A = matrix([[v1x, v2x], [v1y, v2y], [v1z, v2z]])
print A

B = [(p2x-p1x-nmag[0]), (p2y-p1y-nmag[1]), (p2z-p1z-nmag[2])]
print B

x = numpy.linalg.solve(A, B)

The values of the matrix/vector are calculated earlier in the code and this works fine, but the values are:

A =

(-0.56666301, -0.52472909)
(0.44034147, 0.46768087)
(0.69641397,  0.71129036)

B =

(-0.38038602567630364, -24.092279373295057, 0.0)

x should have the form (x1,x2,0)

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