Searching for a one page overview widget

You can add a menu item whose link goes to a specific section on the same page or a section on a different page. This works with any WordPress menu, which you can create and edit by clicking Appearance > Menus in the WordPress admin panel.

This technique involves two steps: adding a unique ID to the target section in a Lodestar theme layout, then adding the link with that unique ID to your WordPress menu.

Add the unique ID to a menu item:

  1. On the WordPress admin menu, click Appearance > Menus and make sure the menu you want to use is displayed.
  2. In the left column expand the Custom links category.
  3. Enter the full URL of the target page in which the section occurs, followed by the pound sign and your ID. For example, if the section occurs on the page, then your URL would be:
  4. Enter whatever link text you want your menu item to display.
    Click Add to menu.
