Modifying recent post widget to include icons for post titles

Here’s an example how to prepend a span tag to the post titles, where the span class is added in the custom field wpse_post_icon_class.

We could try to restrict it to the Recent Posts widget with:

add_filter( 'widget_display_callback', function( $instance, $obj, $args )
    // Only target Recent Posts widgets
    if( 'recent-posts' === $obj->id_base )
        // Add filter
        add_filter( 'the_title', 'wpse_title_with_icon', 10, 2 );

        // Widget output
        $obj->widget( $args, $instance );

        // Remove filter
        remove_filter( 'the_title', 'wpse_title_with_icon', 10, 2 );            

        // Override the default widget output
        return true;
    return $instance;
}, 10, 3 );

where the filter callback is defined as:

function wpse_title_with_icon( $title, $post_id )
    // check if the current post has the 'wpse_post_icon_class' custom field
    if( $icon = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'wpse_post_icon_class', true ) )
        $title = sprintf( 
            '<span class="%s"></span> %s', 
             esc_attr( trim( $icon ) ), 

    return $title;


Here’s a Dashicon example where we add the wpse_post_icon_class custom field with the value of dashicons dashicons-flag:

custom field settings

Then the Recent Posts widget will display as:

recent posts

where the corresponding title is prepended with:

<span class="dashicons dashicons-flag"></span>


It might be better to store only the flag string in a custom field, then we should consider a more specific name like wpse_post_dashicon_class, instead of the generic wpse_post_icon_class name.

We might also want to extend this and create a metabox where the user can click on the icon she wants to associate the post with.

We must enqueue the Dashicons on the front-end, or the font- or svg icons we choose to use.

Another alternatives would be to write a custom widget or shortcode for more flexibility.

Hope it helps.

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