As far as WP and WP CLI is concerned it will make zero difference, and that is why it does not tell you to use one or the other.
Both will work, there are no WordPress based advantages or disadvantages that make one more correct than the other.
All the things that matter in this decision are on you, and your personal preference.
Which One Is More Correct?
Neither, WordPress has never made a recommendation, and both are just as valid as each other. It’s entirely down to personal preference.
I will say though, that crontab is more popular because it is easier to set up.
Is WP CLI A Service?
This wasn’t asked in your question but I suspect this is what you mean based on this comment:
does the wp-cli runs as daemon or not
No, WP CLI commands run then finish, they are not long running tasks.
If you run this:
wp cron event run --all
It will execute cron and run all tasks, then exit. If new cron tasks are added or cron tasks reoccur then you would need to re-run the cron command.
All WP CLI commands are just commands, they are not long-running background tasks or daemons/services.