Show data obtained from a function and place it in a shortocode function

I don’t really understand what you’re trying to do. Why don’t you just call the function inside the shortcode handler? This looks more like general PHP question.

Say we have a variable in our functions.php or wherever you define your shortcodes:

$another_var = doSomeFunctionThatReturnsData();

With modern anonymous functions, you can pass variables using the use keyword.

add_shortcode('operation', function (array $atts, ?string $content, string $shortcode_tag) use ($another_var): string {
    $out="The value of my variable is: " . $another_var;
    return $out;

With ancient named functions as callbacks, you can access a variable in the global scope (defined outside and “above” your callback) by bringing it into your local scope (inside the body of your callback) by using the global keyword:

function shortcode_operation_handler(array $atts, ?string $content, string $shortcode_tag): string {
    global $another_var;
    $out="The value of my variable is: " . $another_var;
    return $out;
add_shortcode('operation', 'shortcode_operation_handler');

Those words before variable names are types for the parameters (more on those in the PHP documentation). The type after the semicolon (:) in the function definition denotes its return type.

… or you can simply call the function inside your shortcode handler.