You cannot do that with pure PHP. The table is created in wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php::wp_ajax_find_posts()
, and there is no filter.
But look at the radio buttons:
name="found_post_id" value="' . esc_attr($post->ID)
You can print a script on the action admin_footer-upload.php
that extracts the post ID from the values and adds a new column to the table.
Here is a working example as a plugin. The code is not exactly beautiful, but it works and it should speak for itself:
* Plugin Name: Extend Media Find Posts Table
add_action( 'admin_footer-upload.php', 't5_add_id_to_post_search' );
function t5_add_id_to_post_search()
jQuery(function($) {
// bind ajaxStop() to any unique element.
$('#find-posts-submit').ajaxStop(function() {
var table = $('#find-posts-response table');
// add the heading
$(table).find('thead tr').append($('<th>ID</th>').css('width', '2em'));
// take ID from input and append as 'td'
$(table).find('tbody tr').each(function(){
$(this).append('<td>' + $(this).find('input').val() + '</td>');