Where does the gallery shortcode gets its attachments from?

This completely depends on how your gallery shortcode looks like.

If you replaced it with something custom, then you’ll have to take a look at the plugin (or the theme).

The default gallery shortcode gets it from a query:

$query_args = array(
     'post_status'    => 'inherit'
    ,'post_type'      => 'attachment'
    ,'post_mime_type' => 'image'
    ,'order'          => $order
    ,'orderby'        => $orderby

Then it decides to add additional args for either include or exclude.

Here’re the 3 scenarios that add the additional/non-shared arguments.

'include' => preg_replace( '/[^\D,]+/', '', $include )
'exclude' => preg_replace( '/[^\D,]+/', '', $include )
// default
'post_parent' => $id