Show search count by post type

You’re essentially running the same query twice, instead of looping over a second query, why don’t you loop over $wp_query?

$types = array();                 
if( have_posts() ) {
    while (have_posts()) {
        if ( empty( $types[$post->post_type] ) {
            $types[$post->post_type] = 0;

You’ll notice I added 3 things:

  • The code in your question generates notices and warnings, $type is an empty array and when you first attempt ot increment a post type count, there is no existing value ( afterall the array is empty right? There’s nothing to increment )
  • Whenever you call the_post on a custom query you need to call wp_reset_postdata, I’ve added it here since we’ll be rewinding the main query back to the start, but this should always go inside the if statement, you don’t want to cleanup if you’ve not done anything to clean up. Some people will use wp_reset_query. That function is for cleaning up after a call to query_posts. Never use query_posts, and by conjunction you should never need to usewp_reset_query`
    an if statement
  • I added a call to rewind_posts, this rewinds the main loop back to the beginning so that you can loop over it a second time. note that I put it inside the if statement, I’m only rewinding if there is something to rewind

Alternatively, loop over $wp_query->posts. Note that it’s more elegant to use the loop, and that this may not be a simple array, looping over it may have performance consequences due to the way WP_Post objects work

global $wp_query;
$types = array();                 
if( !empty( $wp_query->posts ) ) {
    foreach ($wp_query->posts as $p ) {
        if ( empty( $types[$p->post_type] ) {
            $types[$p->post_type] = 0;

There are some obvious refactors you can do from here, e.g. creating a function that takes a WP_Query object and returns an array of counts, letting you do this for any query not just the main one, and making your code easier to read