Showing Counts on Comment List with Custom Query

To show the proper count for the ‘Redacted’ link on the ‘all comments’ table list, you can use the get_comments() function to get the total number of ‘redacted’ comments and then update the link text to include this count. Here is an example of how you can modify the my_comment_link_add() function to do this:

function my_comment_link_add($status_links) {
    // Get the total number of redacted comments
    $args = array(
        'meta_key' => 'redact',
        'meta_value' => '1',
        'count' => true
    $redacted_count = get_comments($args);

    // Update the link text to include the count
    $status_links['redacted']= "<a href="">Redacted ($redacted_count)</a>";
    return $status_links;

To show the proper ‘All’ count when only the ‘Redacted’ comments are shown on the table list, you can use the get_comments_count() function to get the total number of comments and then update the link text to include this count. Here is an example of how you can modify the my_comment_redacted_list() function to do this:

function my_comment_redacted_list($query) {
    global $pagenow;
    // Get the total number of comments
    $all_count = get_comments_count();

Lemme know if this helps.