Sidebar widget not displaying after simple code update.

  1. If you don’t need the others settings from register_sidebar, that’s fine.

  2. That’s not fine. 🙂
    To render your sidebar you need to call


    In your case it would be:

     dynamic_sidebar('Right Sidebar');

    see the codex page for dynamic sidebar

    Your current code says (short version): If there is no sidebar, then do my custom code.
    Look at the examples from the linked codex page.

  3. skipped

  4. If you need those settings for a sidebar, use them, but notice, and that’s what happend on your sidebar/widget configuration page when your old sidebar disappeared.

If you register a sidebar with an ID, WordPress looks in the database for this ID, if you just register a sidebar with a name, WordPress will look for the name.

Your ID was different from the original name, and there was no entry for a sidebar with this id.
The name gets ignored, when an ID is set.

Hope that makes things a bit more clear.