Simple Calendar

As @Vincius mentioned above, I don’t think anyone has created a full-blown calendar with ACF and ACF alone. But – that doesn’t mean you can’t plug into other Event Calendars (or –> attach the ACF data onto their Events post type). For example:

Sugar Event Calendar

  • It has a filter hooks (look on that page, under Hooks) that allow you to override each query generated by the plugin. That way, if you had another post type, you could override the default query from post_type => 'events' to post_type => array('events','your_post_type')
  • If you setup your ACF fields and attach them to the Event post type, what you can then do is remove_meta_box() on whatever meta boxes you would like to hide (that would have date info) and then setup your ACF fields to map to the same meta_keys. This one is more dangerous though – as if the dev changes something with how the meta fields are saved, you could run into trouble.

But, if you use the second example and just add-on additional data you need, every decent event plugin will allow you to override the respective views for each area – and you can then use normal ACF functions to output your data. Thanks!