How to break a date from ACF?

Here you can get separated data from timestamp using date(); function. you can apply different fonts each value.

    $timestamp = get_field('date_time');

    $day = date('d', $timestamp);
    $mon = date('m', $timestamp);
    $year = date('Y', $timestamp);

    echo "Day : ".$day."<br>";
    echo "Month : ".$mon."<br>";
    echo "Year : ".$year;

if $timestamp value “1567503270” then output will be below.

Output :

Day : 03
Month : 09
Year : 2019

if get_field('date_time') return 15 june, 2019 then its timestap will be 1560629940. see below code for reference.

$timestamp = strtotime("15 june, 2019");

$day = date('d', $timestamp);
$mon = date('m', $timestamp);
$year = date('Y', $timestamp);

echo "timestamp : ".$timestamp."<br>";
echo "Day : ".$day."<br>";
echo "Month : ".$mon."<br>";
echo "Year : ".$year;


timestamp : 1560629940
Day : 15
Month : 06
Year : 2019