Sort / Filter Queries

You can use either GET or POST requests to achieve that functionality without using any AJAX (which, in fact, does the same but uses JS to process requests).

You need to add ?name_of_var=value after trailing slash on labels that link to different queries. Basically, your ‘Coca-Cola’ link has to look this way:

After that, let’s look into your queries’ code. Set your query variables beforehand, checking for needed ones in $_GET array. Here’s little example so you could understand what I am talking about:

$brand = ( isset($_GET['brand']) ) ? $_GET['brand'] : 'post'; // We do this because post type can't be defined as null in WordPress, change it according to your query arguments.
$query_args = array ( 'post_type' => array( $brand ) );
$your_custom_query = new WP_Query( $query_args );