Sorting posts by meta values: 2 different orders

I think it should be able to hook into the posts_clauses filter to add a field to your sql query.

add_filter( 'posts_clauses', 'intercept_query_clauses', 20, 1 );

function intercept_query_clauses( $pieces ){
    global $wpdb;
    $pieces['fields'].=', (IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()>='.$wpdb->postmeta.'.meta_value,'.$wpdb->postmeta.'.meta_value,(UNIX-TIMESTAMP() - '.$wpdb->postmeta.'.meta_value)+UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2099-01-01'))) as timestamp_direction';
    $pieces['orderby']='timestamp_direction ASC';
    return $pieces;

The logic is as follows:

Let’s say you have some timestamps in your metafield

event 1 (way past) : 9999

event 2 (past) : 10000

timestamp now: 11111

event 3 (future): 12222

event 4 (further into future): 13333

timestamp of 2099-01-01: 100000

We build a temporary field in our query that has the timestamp from the metafield if it is higher than the current timestamp. If the metafield is lower than the metafield, it first gets subtracted from the current timestamp and then the timestamp of a date way way into the future. After that, we have the following values:

event 1: 101112

event 2: 101111

event 3: 12222

event 4: 13333

Now ordering this by timestamp_direction gives us the order that you want: first the events in the future ordered ASC, then the past events ordered DESC:

event 3: 12222

event 4: 13333

event 2: 101111

event 1: 101112