ssl_error_rx_record_too_long and Apache SSL [closed]

The link mentioned by Subimage was right on the money for me. It suggested changing the virtual host tag, ie, from <VirtualHost> to <VirtualHost _default_:443>

Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long

This usually means the implementation of SSL on your server is not correct. The error is usually caused by a server side problem which the server administrator will need to investigate.

Below are some things we recommend trying.

  • Ensure that port 443 is open and enabled on your server. This is the standard port for https communications.
  • If SSL is using a non-standard port then FireFox 3 can sometimes give this error. Ensure SSL is running on port 443.
  • If using Apache2 check that you are using port 443 for SSL. This can be done by setting the ports.conf file as follows Listen 80 Listen 443 https
  • Make sure you do not have more than one SSL certificate sharing the same IP. Please ensure that all SSL certificates utilise their own dedicated IP.
  • If using Apache2 check your vhost config. Some users have reported changing <VirtualHost> to _default_ resolved the error.

That fixed my problem. It’s rare that I google an error message and get the first hit with the right answer! 🙂

In addition to the above, these are some other solutions that other folks have found were causing the issue:

  • Make sure that your SSL certificate is not expired
  • Try to specify the Cipher: SSLCipherSuite ALL:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXP:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+SSLv3

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