Static Front-Page Excerpts

Is there any particular reason not to use the front-page.php template file, and just not bother with trying to pull WordPress headers into external files?

Using the front-page.php template file is easy:

  1. Create a new static Page, with any arbitrary name (let’s call it “Front Page”)
  2. Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading and set “Front Page Displays” to “Static Page”
  3. Set the “Front Page” dropdown to the “Front Page” static Page you created in step 1.
  4. Create a new template file for your theme, called front-page.php, and include in it your custom Loop code, above.

Also, you should properly filter the main Loop query as output on front-page.php, rather than using the && $count <= 6 conditional in your call to the Loop.

I would recommend using a simple call to get_posts(), and set the numberposts argument to 6.