composer.json installing plugins to the proper subdirectory
composer.json installing plugins to the proper subdirectory
composer.json installing plugins to the proper subdirectory
Unable to use correctly composer autoload in plugin file
Using Composer in Plugin
How do I package and distribute my WordPress plugin via git?
How to add a php package to an existing wordpress website
This is covered in the WP 6.2 Field guide post, and in the post about the upgrade of the requests library that you found the deprecation warning in. If your plugin or theme uses Requests directly and supports a wider range of WordPress versions, you may need to conditionally declare the REQUESTS_SILENCE_PSR0_DEPRECATIONS constant as true … Read more
There are no performance issues with duplicating composer packages. If you look at the file vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php, you will see lines like these: <?php // autoload_classmap.php @generated by Composer $vendorDir = dirname(__DIR__); $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir); return array( ‘Attribute’ => $vendorDir . ‘/symfony/polyfill-php80/Resources/stubs/Attribute.php’, ‘Codeception\\Exception\\ConnectionException’ => $vendorDir . ‘/codeception/module-webdriver/src/Codeception/Exception/ConnectionException.php’, … Being loaded during composer activation, this film establishes … Read more
Using roots Bedrock for a few years, I gladly recommend it. Core versions are all available and are synced by technical team. Using WordPress with composer would allow you to have dependencies (WP core, plugins, themes, and other PHP libs) all managed with composer versions. Bedrock will also ensure that no core file is … Read more
I managed to fix the error by updating openssl as @Sally Cj said. I was still using Mac OS El Capitan, so I tried the Homebrew method of updating it, but that didnt fix it. I eventually ended up just upgrading to the latest “Mojave” OS version, and it works 100% now.
You need to remove composer.lock before running composer update. composer.lock locks your Composer project to a specific hash.