file_get_contents | escaping doesnt show the page

Well, esc_html() doesn’t echo/display the return value (escaped string), so you need to call echo manually: echo esc_html( $FileContents ); Update If you actually want to filter the list of allowed HTML tags in the variable’s value, then you can use the WordPress’ KSES functions like wp_kses_post() and wp_kses_data(): echo wp_kses_post( $FileContents ); echo wp_kses_data( … Read more

wordpress post not showing my “” text>?

You have to escape th < and the > with &lt; and &gt;, otherwise WordPress will remove the “unknown tags”. You could also filter pre_kses to change the output before it gets stripped. add_filter( ‘pre_kses’, function( $str ) { // find and escape < and > on specific positions, then return $str; });