PHPStorm variable warnings

This happens because you are using extract(), and PHPStorm cannot know where the variable is coming from. Do not use extract(). Ever. It was removed from almost all WordPress functions, and so should you do.

Documentation for IDE’s

One possible solution is to make the WordPress source code available to the IDE by adding it’s path to the project. IntelliJ reads the Javascript functions available. This is not a pretty solution though (I’d like someone to be able to load the project on their machine and have this work).

Aptana: WordPress Code Hinting

Yes, im and other users use Aptana always for WP Development and worls very fine. You must only include your install of WP for Dev or Stable to the project of your plugin, thats all. Now you can use all functions, vars, class … inside your plugin of the referenced WP install. If you start … Read more

Any guides on using WP SVN with IDE clients? [closed]

Im going to make this answer a blog article since it went slightly off-topic GRIN. On in chapter 6 I made some explanation for SVN in eclipse but you are probably looking for something else. The story I made here was about your comment “So for now I wing it with VCS integration features … Read more